12 Days of Exercise – Fight the Christmas Gut

Christmas is nearly here, which means one thing… A BIG Christmas Dinner is on the way. We all love to pig out at Christmas so we’ve put together our own 12 Days of Exercise to help get you fighting fit to take on the mountain (of food!)
Day 1 – The Plank
The plank is an absolute staple of any workout routine that is accessible to most people due to the low-impact nature of the movement. It can also be modified to make it easier if you struggle to get started as well as change the length of time under tension. This movement will target your entire core, helping you to stay balanced during a range of other movements and in general life. For instance, the Squat requires a strong core and back to perform properly. Get started today with this movement and we’ll have a New Year New You fitness plan for you in the new year, incorporating all of our 12 days of Christmas movements.
Day 2 – The Bicep Curl
It’s day 2 of the 12 Days of Exercise ? Today we have the humble bicep curl. Get those arms ready to lift the all-important Christmas turkey with this exercise. Theres nothing worse than pullng your turkey out of the oven and finding your arms just couldn’t take the weight, Christmas can be ruined in an instant ? today we make sure that will never happen again ?
Day 3 – The Squat
We’re onto Day 8 of the 12 days of exercise! Today we’ve got hip raises on the cards. This one will get your core in tip-top shape for that turkey!
Check out our Facebook page for our upcoming days of exercise or come back tomorrow for the next.