New Year, New You – Workout Plan

We’ve binged out this Christmas, so we’ve come up with a “New Year, New You” workout routine to help get 2023 off to the perfect start. We’ve made this routine to be as accessible to everyone as possible, including the core workout as well as giving modified versions depending on your fitness and mobility.
We’ve opted for a full body workout that engages all aspects of your body. This has been shown to be one of the most beneficial routine models, as you reduce the risk of injury, while making sure each part of the body is targeted equally. This creates the most aesthetically pleasing results but also the most functional.
The beauty of this method of working out is that it never drains any body part too highly. If you’re used to single body part splits, you’ll have experience of not being able to walk or use your arms for days after. With a full body routine like this, you can carry on your normal life every day!
The key to the success of this routine is consistency and progressive overload. By progressive overload we mean that over time we increase the difficulty of the movement by increasing the weight or repetitions. For instance if you start your goblet squat with 8kg for 15 reps, on the next session you will increase the weight to 10kg for the same number of repetitions, or you will keep the weight the same and add extra repetitions. This way you are constantly striving for progress while maintaining good form. Always remember, form is of the utmost importance to stay injury free.
In this routine we have 3 different workouts that will be used 3 days a week, for instance on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, though you can select the days that work best for you. Giving yourself one day of rest between workouts is good for your body and ensures you don’t overdo it.
You may be tempted to jump ahead, for instance instead of adding one rep each week, going straight to your maximum. However, by doing this you will stall and stop progressing within only a few weeks. Then each week will be a grind that is hard to beat and progress. By taking things slowly you ensure you give your body time to adjust and progress, which will keep your workouts positive and keep you coming back for more, while also outfitting those who peaked too early. A key aspect to full body routines is the connection between your mind and muscles, you don’t only grow stronger by increasing your muscle mass, you grow stronger by increasing your connection with your muscles. By repeating the same workout like this over time with gradual increases, you practice the motions and create a learned pattern, becoming more efficient while you become stronger and leaner.
The lingo
Sets – The number of rounds for each workout.
Reps – The number of repetitions of a movement within a set or round.
Warmup Routine (Before each workout)
Before every workout you need to prepare your body for a good workout to avoid injury. Below we have 3 options for a warmup that you can use before starting your routine. Option 1 will give you the most rounded warmup for all body parts but is also more strenuous. If you feel this is too much for you then options 2 and 3 will still make sure your body is warmed up for the tasks ahead.
Option 1
⁃ Stationary Speed Jog (30 seconds)
⁃ Jumping Jacks (30 seconds)
⁃ Bum Kicks (30 seconds)
⁃ High Knee Jog (30 seconds)
⁃ Skipping Rope (30 seconds)
Repeat x3 times increasing Intensity each round
Option 2
⁃ Treadmill x10 minutes
Option 3
⁃ Spin Bike x10 minutes
Day 1
Goblet Squat
x2 warm up sets with bodyweight only for 15 reps
x3 working sets for 15 reps (pick a weight you can manage to complete 20 reps with good form)
⁃ Each week increase reps by 1 rep until you reach 20 reps, then reset to 15 reps with a weight 1-4kg heavier. Repeat this process.
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Slow down speed when lowering the body
Watch how below:
Push Up
x2 warm up sets of 10 reps (or 15-20 reps from failure)
x3 working sets for 15 reps each (or 10 reps from failure)
⁃ Lower Intensity Modification option: Put knees to the floor
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Slow down speed when lowering the body
⁃ Each week increase reps by 2 reps until you reach 25 reps, then reset to 15 reps with a much slower pace (e.g. 4 seconds lowering and 4 seconds raising). Increase sets by 2.
Watch how below:
Kettle Swing
x2 warm up sets of 10 reps (or 15 reps from failure)
x3 working sets for 20 reps each (pick a weight you can manage to complete 30 reps with good form)
⁃ Each week increase reps by 5 reps until you reach 45 reps, then reset to 15 reps with a weight 1-4kg heavier. Repeat this process.
Watch how below
Mountain Climbers
x15 reps x3 sets (both legs moved to chest equals one rep)
⁃ Each week increase reps by 2 reps.
Watch how below
Day 2
Kettlebell Lunges
x2 warm up sets with bodyweight only for 12 reps each leg
x3 working sets for 12 reps each leg (pick a weight you can manage to complete 16 reps with good form)
⁃ Each week increase reps by 1 rep until you reach 16 reps, then reset to 12 reps with a weight 1-4kg heavier. Repeat this process.
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Pass the kettlebell under each leg per rep
Watch how below:
Dumbbell Overhead Press
x2 warm up sets of 12 reps (with a weight you can comfortably complete for 20 reps)
x3 working sets for 12 reps each leg (pick a weight you can manage to complete 16 reps with good form)
⁃ Each week increase reps by 1 rep until you reach 16 reps, then reset to 12 reps with a weight 0.5-2kg heavier. Repeat this process.
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Switch for barbell
Watch how below
Dumbbell Bent-over Row
x2 warm up sets of 12 reps (with a weight you can comfortably complete for 20 reps)
x3 working sets for 12 reps (pick a weight you can manage to complete 16 reps with good form)
⁃ Each week increase reps by 1 rep until you reach 16 reps, then reset to 12 reps with a weight 1-2kg heavier. Repeat this process.
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Switch for barbell
Watch how below:
Laying Leg Raise
x15 reps x3 sets
⁃ Each week increase reps by 2 reps.
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Swap for Hanging Leg Raise
Watch how below:
Day 3
Kettlebell Sumo Squat
x2 warm up sets with bodyweight only for 10 reps
x3 working sets for 10 reps (pick a weight you can manage to complete 15 reps with good form)
⁃ Each week increase reps by 1 rep until you reach 20 reps, then reset to 15 reps with a weight 1-2kg heavier. Repeat this process.
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Switch for barbell
Watch how below:
Romanian Deadlift (Dumbbells)
x2 warm up sets for 10 reps (with a weight you can comfortably complete for 15 reps)
x3 working sets for 10 reps each (pick a weight you can manage to complete 15 reps with good form)
⁃ Each week increase reps by 1 rep until you reach 15 reps, then reset to 10 reps with a weight 1-4kg heavier. Repeat this process.
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Switch for barbell
Watch how below:
Chest Dips
x2 warm up sets of 5 reps (or 5-10 reps from failure)
x3 working sets for 10 reps each (or 5 reps from failure)
⁃ Each week increase reps by 2 reps until you reach 20 reps, then reset to 10 reps with a much slower pace of 4 seconds lowering and 4 seconds raising.
⁃ Lower Intensity Modification option: Use assistance bands
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Slow down speed when lowering the body
Watch how below:
Pull Up
x2 warm up sets of 5 reps (or 5-10 reps from failure)
x3 working sets for 10 reps each (or 5 reps from failure)
⁃ Lower Intensity Modification option: Use assistance bands
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Slow down speed when lowering the body
⁃ Each week increase reps by 1 rep until you reach 15 reps, then reset to 10 reps with a much slower pace of 4 seconds lowering and 2 seconds raising.
Watch how below:
Tuck Jump
x10 reps x3 sets (or 15 reps from failure)
⁃ Each week increase reps by 2 reps.
⁃ Higher Intensity Modification option: Switch for Burpees
Watch how below:
Week one is over, now rest and get ready to start again next week! Remember to increase your reps or weight (but not too much, steady progression is the key!)
In the first week, you can use this time to test your maximum rep range for each day, which will give you a better idea of what weight you should use going forward. Knowing your rep max for each weight will greatly benefit your progress and show you how far you’ve come.
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