The Push-up Challenge for Cancer Research UK

Last month a number of brave souls in our team took on the Push-up Challenge thrown down by Cancer Research UK. We’re proud of the effort shown and the contributions made by our guests and members! Thanks to you, we’ve been able to raise an additional £569.69 to help with life-saving research.
Health and fitness are important cornerstones of our ethos, which is why we offer free gym memberships to all of our employees, our group marketing manager, Phil Quinton was one of our employees who took up the challenge alongside our gym and leisure managers, following this experience Phil said,
“When I accepted the challenge, I thought it would be easy! Little did I realise how much it would take to get through the first couple of weeks and how much of a positive impact it would have on me physically and mentally. Over the month, I could see and feel my body changing, my chest and arms getting stronger and more defined and being able to push myself further than I could at the start. It’s been an excellent springboard to kick start getting back into fitness and is something I will carry on with. The fact that we were also able to raise money for Cancer Research was a bonus but it was also that thought that spurred me on in those early days and weeks when it was extremely tough.”
This was echoed by gym manager Michael Hegarty, “The most important aspect of fitness is consistency. Taking on this challenge with our members enabled them to create a consistent base for their programs that has enabled them to stay committed both during the challenge and now the official challenge is over. Having a higher goal is always great for helping you to stay consistent as well. Looking great is always a nice goal, but reaching for something deeper will always help you to stay motivated. in this case, helping raise money for such a great cause was immensely motivating.”
Our leisure club manager Paul Cross added, “We knew we had great members of the leisure club in Wakefield, but the support both in terms of hands in pockets as well as putting those chest muscles to work has been inspiring to say the least. We can only hope that the effort and donations made can help one day bring an end to Cancer for everyone.”
Cancer affects so many people close to us every day and we continue to support initiatives both locally and on a global scale where ever we can. Let us know about any local challenges we can help support and tag us on social media: Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn
We look forward to seeing what the next challenge brings!